What Is A Passenger Princess?
Hangin’ out the passenger side, of his best friend’s ride, trying to holla at me💅
Over the last few years, but especially over the last few months, the phrase ‘passenger princess’ has likely popped up across all your social feeds.
As you spend hours aimlessly scrolling, you’ve probably seen several dozen videos (most likely from a female POV) of someone who doesn’t drive, getting their friend or significant other to drive them around.
Does that sound like you? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Find out below if you really are a passenger princess — this is a judgement-free zone.
What is a passenger princess?
According to the very reliable urban dictionary, a passenger princess is ‘a girl who doesn’t know how to drive, so her friends drive her around and she just sits in the passenger seat while taking care of the music.’
Another definition describes a passenger princess as ‘a girl who doesn’t drive but gets driven around by boys all the time with no intention of learning to drive.’ Sounds kind of shady, but we all know a couple of people fitting this description.
Essentially, a passenger princess doesn’t want to drive (or can’t) and instead lives the life of luxury by being in the passenger’s seat. Another key thing about being the passenger princess, is having your thigh gripped by the driver, with their other hand controlling the steering wheel. Ahhh, who said romance was dead?
The term ‘passenger princess’ has been circulating the internet for a couple of years now, but gained viral recognition on TikTok in 2022 and has since become a trending topic – with more than 1.6 billion views for the hashtag #passengerprincess.
Is it just a ‘girl thing’? Or can guys be passenger princesses, too? Duh, it’s 2023, of course guys can be passenger princesses. Shout out to my ex who I spent three years driving around – you owe me!
Passenger princess duties
Being a passenger princess may seem like fun, just sitting there, looking pretty and being driven around. But, it’s actually hard work.
You’ve gotta be the in-car chef, GPS navigator, and a DJ all in one go. It’s practically a full-time job.
Passenger princess duties include, but are not limited to:
- Looking cute (yes, we know this sets feminism back a bit)
- Designated snack sharer – hands one snack to the driver, two for themselves
- Shouting at the GPS and giving last minute (awful) directions
- Controlling the air conditioning or heating
- Sipping on expensive iced coffees
- Vibing
Some say it’s a luxury, some say it’s a lifestyle. But hey, I would become a full-time passenger princess if someone could drive me around forever. Any takers?
While many people are all for the passenger princess role, others aren’t so keen.
Many have said they ‘could never let a man drive them around’. Fair enough.
Others couldn’t get behind the trend because their boyfriends couldn’t drive or didn’t have a car — not surprising tbh, cars are expensive, and the waiting list for driving tests is absolutely enormous since Covid.
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TikTok’s passenger princess
A trend wouldn’t be a trend if it wasn’t all over TikTok.
Here are a few of our favourite passenger princess videos.
Are you a passenger princess?
If you’re a passenger princess, own it! Someone’s got to do it…
Are you a passenger princess?
5 votes | Ends: No Expiry
- Yes, always
- No, I wish
- Sometimes